Monday, March 26, 2012


I have arrived in Indianapolis, IN. The first thing I did was say a prayer, asking the God to watch over me. From there I took my pocket knife out my backpack and placed it in my right pocket, ready for whatever. As I left the bus station to embark on my journey I initially went the wrong way, SMH, but i am on track and downtown in the heart of Indianapolis. I have been walking for about 20 minutes, trying to remember streets, significant buildings, and locations with free Wi-Fi. I am currently in a Steak`n Shake using their free Wi-Fi, although i had buy food to sit in here, so with limited funds I have purchased water and fries. I am taking forever to eat these fries because I know I will be expected to leave once I am done.

Also I have spotted another homeless individual. I can tell due to her being alone and having a lot of items with her in a plastic bag. As well she is stalling with eating her food. Looking into her eyes I can see that she is tired. This is going to be a rough 5 nights...


  1. Dr Taylor sent me the link to your blog, Darius. What a beautiful project.

  2. Very noble effort you are putting forth Bro. You have my prayers and support. I will be keeping up with your blog and sharing with others.

  3. Darius I am so proud of you. I will be praying for you and REMEMBER YOU CAN DO ALL THING THROUGH CHRIST.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Just Keep Posting as often as possible! ... We are all rooting for you!
